Seth's Blog


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Software done well
Published: 5 days ago
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Finding the others
Published: 10 months ago
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Gentle Scrabble hacks
Published: one year ago
Books for your solstice
Published: one year ago
Bestseller energy
Published: one year ago
Web Page 
Naming is part of marketing
Published: 3 months ago
Personal process notation
Published: 6 months ago
Emotional labor and its consequences
Published: 8 months ago
Is it possible to care at scale?
Published: one year ago
Creating value as an entrepreneur
Published: one year ago
And then that happened
Published: one year ago
Yelling “fire”
Published: 2 years ago
Web Page 
The Santa problem
Published: 10 months ago
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A finite ordered set of interesting objects
Published: one year ago
Nihil hic deest
Published: one year ago
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